• Birth

    I was the second child but the first girl of this family. Because am the first girl, i received all of my parents attention..
  • Sister's birth

    My sister, Zain, was born that day, and she stole the attention from me. I had to always watch out for her, be there for her and take care of her no matter what.
  • Kindergarten

    For Kindergarten i went to Dilmun school. This is the school where I found my best friend, Maryam Khalid and Mariam Faisal, who are still my best friends right now.
  • Disneyland

    The first country i have been to was Paris, but we were staying in disneyland, and ever since, my family and I, became huge fans of disney, we watched every disney movie, and we love disney so much that we actually go to it every summer.
  • Transferring to new school.

    Transferring to new school.
    I transfered to MKS, it made me have anxiety because i grew up with a grade of only 20 people, but now that I go to school with 200 people in my grade, it just made me feel really sensitive and shy.
  • Cooking class

    My sister and I, joined a cooking class, where they taught us how to bake, and cook many delicious food. This is where I began to love cooking and baking. This shaped my personality because it made more creative.
  • Highschool

    For High school i went to MKS. It changed me completely, I became more confident, that i was able to preform in the french show , I found my true group of friends.
  • Death of Grandfather

    My grandfather died infront of me in the hospital because of cancer. Cancer took away a really important person from me. He was the first closest person i lost.