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My Timeline

By agary2
  • Birth

    I was born on this day in Oklahoma
  • First Pet

    Tiger Woods: boy cat, extremely grouchy.
  • Parents Divorce

  • Moved Cities

    From Yukon to Edmond
  • Met my best friend

    Besties for the resties
  • Had Swine Flu

    Faked being sick to not go to school, got swabbed at the dr's, spent 3 weeks not going to school
  • Period: to

    First Boyfriend

  • Tiger Wood Passing

    RIP grouchy puss
  • Period: to

    First Girlfriend

  • Blew out my knee

    Torn ACL, PCL, MCL
  • High School Graduation

  • Started working at Papa John's

  • Was gifted my angel baby cat

    Miss Tiffany, born Halloween 2017. As spooky as she is beautiful, has a Tim Burton quality to her appearance
  • Moved to San Diego

  • Started working at a Swim School

  • Starting working at a Bistro

  • Met my Fiancé

  • Worked throughout the Pandemic

  • Moved back to Oklahoma

  • Taking the LSAT