Being Reunited With My Family
I was around the age of 10 and I was getting to move in with my family after being in SRS for 9 years. I was so close to getting put up for adoption, but my mom and dad moved from California to Kansas and they now have custody of me, and at the time I was in titled and I didn't realize how lucky I was at the time. -
My First Relationship
I was 11 years old when I was in my first relationship, my girlfriends name is Jenna, and we had an off and on relationship the only reason we have broken up and got back together was because we truly loved each other and we have a huge connection to each other and we are still together to this day. -
My First Kiss
I was around the age of 12, when my girlfriend flew from Virginia to Kansas. This was of course the first time we saw each other, at first I was kinda worried that she wouldn't love me for who I was and vice versa. I was at the airport waiting for her and she came running and we hugged for a good 10 minutes so we went back to my place and the day after we went for a walk to carry park and I looked into her beautiful green eyes and she looked into mine and we kissed each other. -
My 12th birthday
On my birthday my brother came to see me from sterling, he used to go here at HMS 8 but he didn't like living with his mom so he went to sterling to live with his dad. My brothers name is Jadden Paul Childs you might know and remember him -
The Best Day Of My Life
Me and my girlfriend went to her place, and I was confronted by "The Big Mean Parents", and to my surprise both the father and the mother approved of me and her, and the mother said to Jenna "I am so glad that you have found someone that actually cares about you unlike your ex's", at the time I was so happy and in shock and I can tell you this was the most happiest moments I can remember. -
The Start of my YouTube Channel
My YouTube Channel In 2016 I started my YouTube channel, and now I have 117 subscribers. -
My first time getting on the middle school honor role
I was in 7th grade when I got my first middle school honor role for having a 3.5 or higher GPA, and to my luck I got a 3.8 GPA which made me really happy and excited. -
Going To My First YouTube Meet Up
Last year I surpassed 100,000 subscribers and for that big mile stone I decided to do a fans meet up and do signings and I must admit at first I was scared but now I am more open to do more things like that cause it was a fin and cool experience to meet my fans and supporters face to face for the first time. Not to mention over 10,000 people showed up... also my mom took that picture so this is a real picture of what it actually looked like -
My First BB Gun
Me and my brother went to wal-mart and it was my 14th birthday, we where going down the sports section and we went to the BB and Air Soft guns, so I asked "Why are we down this isle?" He didn't say anything and gave me a 100 dollar bill and simply said "get whatever you want." I was really shocked and I bought a pistol and a rifle. -
My Dads Promotion
This happened earlier this year my dad came home acting like he got fired from his job, but I was like well we got our income tax at least right and my dad said no which wasn't a lie the check didn't come till later. It was the next day when he told me it was a joke and that the complete opposite that happened... HE GOT PROMOTED TO MANAGER, I was so happy when I heard this I almost passed out. -
My First Ever Free Website
Check out my official website
This was my first ever website that announces my team and is always updated. If you want to you can go down to the bottom of the page and buy our merchandise to support our team... and I promise I am not a sell out, but please support us by buying a shirt or even a phone case. -
The Worst Decision
This just happened pretty recently around Easter. My friend, my sister and I were all together and my friend was dating a person that was really mean to him, my sister and me. So I told him that I'd rather him date my sister rather than the person he was currently dating, at the time I was hopping it opened his eyes, but little did I know he asked out my sister and she said yes and I started to regret saying what I did and I still regret it to this day. -
A Huge Step In My YouTube Carrer
My friend and I were recording a collaboration video and he gave me the name of a app that would let me record my phone screen so now I can upload a lot more variety and this app was called AZ Screen Recorder. -
Middle School Bully
It was raining and I got out of school to walk home and these two kids (not saying there names for law purposes) they were both asking me stupid questions and I asked politely for them to leave and one of them put my arms behind my back and stepped on both of my feet while the other one punched me several time and I couldn't do anything because of the other kid that was holding me. -
My First Twitter Account
My Twitter Link
My first twitter account was back in 2015 and ever since I have announced my Twitter, I have been gaining followers like crazy you can click the link and see how many followers I have... It also wouldn't hurt to click that follow button... just sayin'