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My timeline

  • I comming to the world

    I live in Hoersholm
  • Kindergarten

    I started in kindergarten
  • I get a little sister

    I get a little sister called Cemille
  • I learn at ride on a bike

  • I started to football

    I started to football in Hoersholm football club
  • I started in school

  • Floorball

    I started to floorball
  • I get a i phone

    I get my first i phone 4
  • I get a kunsine

    My kusine called Emilie
  • Barcelona

    I am in Barcelona with my father and we see a football match
  • I get a i phone 6

    To my birthday i get a i phone 6
  • I get a kusine

    My kusine called Josefine
  • confirmation

  • 2030

    I think at the elektronic will take the world