My Timeline

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    My future is explained in this punctuation "?".

    I am thinking of getting into a trade. I want to make good money but have lots of free time like everyone else. Guess I will see where I take myself in the coming years.
  • birth

    I was born in Brantford Ontario
  • Kindergarten

    I started a social insinuation called school (Kindergarten) in Sweaburg Ontario when I was the age of 4. We lived directly across from the school and it was a very tight community. This is a time in a kids life when they start learning proper social norms and understand how other humans work (maybe)..
  • divorce and move

    half into my second year of kindergarten my parents got a divorce and we moved out of Sweaburg and into Woodstock. This was a big transition period for my brother, sister and myself. At this point in my life, I had to attend a new school and go through many baby sitters.
  • Mom moved in with Boyfriend and I changed school's (again)

    After the divorce, my dad moved into a good neighborhood in Woodstock but my mom moved into a condo (which was not a great area) She then met a guy and they both moved into the country outskirts of Woodstock and lived on a nice hobby farm. At this point I changed school to East Oxford public school for grade 2 and stayed at that school until I graduated.
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    Swimming and fitness

    At about grade 4 I started to do swimming. I swam competitively ever since. I also got into free running and parkour around grade 7 and made many friendships during that time. In grade 8 I got into Gymnastic strength training.
  • High school

    In 2016 I started high school at College Avenue Secondary School in Woodstock. At this point I was Swimming 4-5 days a week. Most of my friends I had in my elementary school also went here so it wasn't hard to find friends. Around this time is when my brother and sister moved out. It was a "about damn time!" moment but it was also kind of sad, too. This was a time in my life where I had to do role setting because now my hand was not being held like in elementary.
  • RIP Grandpa

    In fall of my grade 10 year, after struggling for a couple months, my Grandpa passed away. This was a very hard time for my family and I. This was the first life event I've had where I truly lost someone I love. The positive part about it though, is it brought the full family together, with some family members I haven't seen in years.
  • Job

    I started work as a lifeguard/swimming instructor at the Wayne Gretzky centre
  • Third move

    After a abusive 10 ish year long relationship with my moms ex boyfriend, she met someone better and we moved out to another hobby farm in Brantford. Also at this time I started grade 11 at st johns. At this time I had complete role strain, with helping the move, work, school and swimming. It was a very stressful few months but a trans formative one.
  • 4th move (dads side)

    In summer 2019, my dad and his girlfriend of 2 years moved up to Embro Ontario. It was a pretty sad move because I was essentially leaving the house I grew up in for 12 ish years of my life. There was role conflict in this because I was supposed to also help some extended family with a project.