My Birth
I was born on August 1, 2001. While my mom was delivering me I actually got stuck. Because of this I came out with medical conditions. One of which they said I had a pretty small chance of recovering from. I was very lucky to actually recover from this condition. I was fully healed and recovered a couple weeks after the delivery. Did I mention I was a cone head for the first week or two after being born? -
My Parent's Marriage
On May 5, 2002 my parents had gotten married. As you can probably tell, because I was born in 2001, I was at my parent's wedding. I was really cluless as to what was going on when I was there. Now when I look at the pictured of my mom and dad holding me at their wedding it's kind of awkward. I don't know many people who were at their parent's weddings. -
My Sister's Birth
My sister was born February 16, 2005. I held her in the hospital and was so excited to be a big brother. My mother instead of delivering her naturally she got a sea section to avoid my sister getting stuck like I did. My mom and dad named her Felicity. I thought she was the cutest thing in the world at the time. Now I'm not so sure, she's a little mean to me. -
Moved to Holly
Some day in May, 2006, we moved from Waterford to Holly. It was both exciting and sad. It was sad because I was moving from my neighbor, Michael, who was my best friend at the time. But it was exciting because I was going to get a new room and be living in a brand new house. I was going to go to a new school and I would basically have a new everything almost. It was going to be awesome! -
First Day of Kindergarten
On September 8, 2015, I went to my first day of kindergarten at Holly Academy. I thought I was so cool walking into the school with my cool new backpack, pencils and crayons. I walk into my class, I immediately got extremely nervous because I didn't know anyone there. Everyone else had friends from their preschool, but I didn't. The next week I was the quietest kid in the class, not speaking a word. -
My First Friend
At around September 20, 2006 I had finally made my first friend. His name was Sam. I was on the playground just alone playing on the play set. Sam came over and asked what my name was. I told him my name and he asked if I wanted to be friends. It sounds cheesy and unrealistic but as far as I remember, that's how it happened. We are still best friends to this day. -
First Time Getting in Trouble in School
Some day in October, 2006, I had gotten in trouble for the first time in school. I had to go up to the teacher's desk and sign the "Discipline Folder". I had to find my name and circle a frowning face. I thought it was the end of the world. All I did was interrupt the teacher, but it felt like I had just murdered someone. I went home that day crying like a baby. How embarrassing. -
First Time Going to the Office in School.
At around this time I had gone to the office for the first time. I had continuously interupted the teacher. I sat down in the office, my hands are starting to sweat. The principal walks in and and escorts me to her office. She starts lecturing me on how when the teacher is talking I am not. I walked out of the office terrified. I was a goody goody and getting sent to the office is was like getting sent to prison to me. I think I went the next couple of days not speaking a word. -
Dog Bite
Toward the end of July, 2011, I was walking over to my neighbor to see if she wanted to come over and hang out. She was walking her dog. When I neared her I was greeted with her dog barking angrily at me. I began to back away when the dog lunged at me, grabbing ahold of my left ankle. I was rushed to the emergency room. I had to get double-layered stitches and couldn't walk for a good 2 or 3 weeks. I missed about 2 weeks of school. It was a horrible time. -
First Day of Middle School
My first day of middle school was on September 8, 2015. Boy was I excited. I thought I was the coolest kid in the world. I have to say though; my 6th grade year was my best year ever. Not only did I get all A's when I usually get A's and B's, but I also had the coolest teacher for homeroom. It was a year to remember that is for sure. -
Switching Schools
I switched from Holly Academy to Holly Middle School in early October, 2015. I was really scared. When I walked in I was greeted with old Holly Academy friends that had switched and friends I had knew from tennis and new people who just wanted to say hello. I take it back, my 8th grade year was the best year of my life because I made such great friends and it had the most impact on my life so far. -
Adopting Myla
On August 9, 2015, my family adopted our dog Myla. We had been looking into adopting different dogs for a while and we were just looking at the time. We wanted a dog that would go outside and play but also be a mellow dog. We had the biggest stroke of luck ever. She was exactly what we were looking for. She was not only a mellow and nice dog but she also goes outside and plays and runs. I think I love her a little too much now. -
First Time Getting Athlete of the Week
In late August, 2015, I had won Athlete of the Week with my doubles partner for the first time. This was really exciting because we were also the first tennis players to be Athlete of the Week. My whole family overreacted a little bit and looked me up on the Holly Athletics Facebook page. But, I'm not going to complain. It was a good day. -
First Day of High School
On this day was my first day of high school. I had friends that were juniors and seniors that told me of all the bad things about high school and how freshman year was going to be the worst year of my life. They told me that I was going to be bullied and beat up. I walked into the high school that morning only to realise that none of this is true. It was just school. Just school. -
Holly Tennis Wins Flint Metro League
On this day I had skipped school with the Holly tennis team to participate in the Flint Metro League (FML) tournament. My and my doubles partner won our first 2 matches and ended up losing in the finals taking second place for 1 doubles. But that really didn't matter because the rest of the doubles flights for Holly had won and 2 of the singles flights had won as well. We ended up placing 1st in the FML's that day. That was a day I will remember forever.