My Timeline

By 3002564
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in Maryland.
  • I moved

    I moved
    I moved from Maryland to Illinois when I was a year old.
  • We got a dog

    We got a dog
    We adopted my first dog, Bailey, who is a Golden Doodle.
  • I broke my finger

    I broke my finger
    In second grade, I broke my left pinky while running from my sister.
  • We got another dog

    We got another dog
    When I was in third grade, I convinced my parents to get another dog, Lily, who is a Coton Du Layon and Schnauzer Mix
  • I had surgery

    I had surgery
    When I was in 4th grade, I tore a muscle in my shoulder. It created an abscess that I had to get removed.
  • Travel softball

    Travel softball
    I started playing on my first travel softball team, Xplosion (be prepared for more softball)
  • The Xplosion tragedy

    The Xplosion tragedy
    Second year of Xplosion I hated my coach (who got fired), and my teammates hated me... Fun!
  • A new team

    A new team
    I moved to the Oswego Outlaws.
  • I joined SCET

    I joined SCET
    I made the decision to join SCET, and little did I know that in 2019, the Freedra would make us do a timeline project..
  • The Trip

    The Trip
    I went up to a cabin with a few friends, and went tubing for the first time.
  • Disneyland

    I went to Disneyland for the first time with my mom and sister. (Land and World are different)
  • Pitching

    I switched pitching styles, and that takes up most of my time.
  • Hamilton

    I went and saw Hamilton with my family
  • Band Trip

    Band Trip
    I will go to the St. Louis band trip and play the clarinet.
  • High school

    High school
    I graduate from Jewel and go to High School
  • No more band

    No more band
    I will quit band after eighth grade
  • High school softball

    High school softball
    I will join the high school softball team.
  • Classes

    I will start to take classes that I will really enjoy
  • Drive

    I will get my drivers license.
  • Prom

    I will go to my first prom
  • Adulthood

    I will become an official adult.
  • Graduation

    I will graduate in the class of 2024
  • College

    I will go to the University of Central Florida to play softball and go to school for their pre vet classes, and in future years I will move to the University of Florida.
  • On my own

    On my own
    I am going to move to Florida on my own.
  • Animals

    I even more animals than Ryan's family.
  • Disney

    I will work at Disney World.
  • Work

    I am going to work at an already existing clinic.
  • Starbucks

    Starbucks doesn't collapse and I laugh at Genny.
  • College is done

    College is done
    I finish college and get my vet degree.
  • Clinic

    I am going to open my own clinic.
  • Family

    I will have a new family of dogs and other pets (no humans).
  • President

    I will vote for Bella as president so that World War 3 starts.

    Bella is now president and WWIII has started
  • WWIII ends

    WWIII ends
    WWIII has ended, and no one got hurt.
  • Older

    My mind starts to go, and I only leave my home when I have to.
  • Where

    Everyone starts to think that I have died because I left so rarely
  • North Korea

    North Korea
    I finally move and retire to North Korea and Bella moves in with me, and she eventually gets me a donkey.
  • I move

    I move
    I moved into my one story house, and my animals continue to live with me
  • I go crazy

    I go crazy
    I start to think that cats are superior, and I become an old cat lady.
  • Starbucks

    Starbucks collapses, and and Genny calls me to brag.
  • Death

    I die of old age, and no one checks on me, so my cats get very hungry... (cliffhanger)