My timeline

  • born

  • brother was born

    when my brother was born i was happy he came and i was there to hold and be a big brother
  • pre-k

    i was nervous to start because i didn't know what to expect and i didn't know nobody
  • when my baby cousins came

    i was happy that i was having my first baby cousins but i got mad when they wouldn't let me in the room
  • kindergarten

    i went to a new school called forest park and i was lowkey happy to start school
  • first grade

    i had went Salk elementary because we moved and i had to make new friends so i was nervous
  • Great Wolf Lodge

    i was so happy to go there for my bday and my cousins came but one day my mom said we got kicked out put we had got one of the wolf lodge
  • covid 19

    when i looked up about covid to see what it was i had caught and didn't feel good
  • auntie passed

    when my auntie passed i was heart broken me and he was close i really loved her so much
  • inflation

    inflation impacted me because the prices was going up