My 10 Major Events

  • Coming Into This World

    Coming Into This World
    I was born at the Royal Alexandra Hospital here in Edmonton. I was born on February 7, 2010. I also got this cute bear stuffie when I was born.
  • First Day Of School, Ever.

    First Day Of School, Ever.
    It was very confusing for me as I walked into the classroom. I saw kids in this tiny house thing and others playing with blocks. My mom took me to my teacher so I could say hi.
  • Seeing a cute stuffie on the showcase at Goodwill.

    Seeing a cute stuffie on the showcase at Goodwill.
    It was after my christmas concert in Kindergarten. There used to be a Goodwill near where I used to live. Me, my brothers and mom went to the Goodwill to buy me the stuffie. It was a cute white mouse and a winter hat and a sweater. It also had a red nose.
  • Turning 5

    Turning 5
    I turned 5 on February 7, 2015. I brought cupcakes to school for my classmates and I wore this pink dress. I was still in Kindergarten.
  • Grade 1, here I come!

    Grade 1, here I come!
    I entered the classroom, which was right beside my past kindergarten classroom. There were people playing with Lego's and these doll toys. I saw some with an hello kitty shirt.
  • My First Ever Best Friend

    My First Ever Best Friend
    I soon become friends with the person in the hello kitty shirt. She is still my best friend today and we talk everyday.
  • Double Digits

    Double Digits
    I turned 10 on February 7, 2020. I wore a dress to school and my parents bought a cake and we cut it in the night. I was in double digits, so I realized that I was growing up.
  • Meeting my other best friends.

    Meeting my other best friends.
    I met my 2nd best friend through a teams chat last year in Grade 6. She said hi to me, so I said hi back and we started talking. Turns out, she had a twin sister, so she become my 3rd best friend. I still talk to them today.
  • Finishing The First Ever Journey of my Life

    Finishing The First Ever Journey of my Life
    I knew it was time that I finished elementary when my teacher said bye to us. I said bye to all my classmates on the teams meeting, then I went to go say bye to my best friends. I will never forget elementary.
  • First Day of a New Adventure.

    First Day of a New Adventure.
    I was getting ready for my first day of grade 7. I was very excited because I get to meet new people and see my teachers for the first time. I really enjoyed talking and getting to know my classmates and my teachers.