my timeline

  • Diagnosed w/Asthma

    Diagnosed w/Asthma
    When I was born I was Diagnosed with Asthma
  • Started Preschool

    Started Preschool
    I started preschool and had no idea of how boring it would get
  • My dad moved 2008

    My dad moved 2008
    My paid rent for like 3 years and after 2 years or so the land lord stop paying the bills that my dad was paying him for and we were forced to move out because the landlord lost the land
  • Had heat stoke after baseball game

    Had heat stoke after baseball game
    I get over heated and sick really easily now
  • Got bit by a dog, almost lost my eye

    Got bit by a dog, almost lost my eye
    I was going to a friends house and when we got there he had a dog and i asked to pet it and he said yes, then his sister told me to get up and walk away slowly and as i got up it bit me on my nose
  • My dog passed away :'(

    My dog passed away :'(
    My dog that has been with me since birth passed away at age 12
  • In the forest during a bunch of tornadoes

    In the forest during a bunch of tornadoes
    At boy scout camp the tornado sirens went off and we had to walk like a whole mile to get to shelter. and sfter we were told there were 21 tornadoes that hit acrossed all of iowa
  • Grandpa Diagnosed with lung cancer

    Grandpa Diagnosed with lung cancer
    I got really bad new that my grandpa was diagnosed with really bad lung cancer
  • Grandma passed away:'(

    Grandma passed away:'(
    My grandma the grandparent that i was closest to past away
  • Grandpa passed away:'(

    Grandpa passed away:'(
    I was in clear lake and my mom called my sister and told her grandpa is expected to pass today and i remeber my mom calling me when he did pass and I remember chucking my phone really hard on the concrete
  • I get a big buck with my dad while hunting

    I get a big buck with my dad while hunting
    We have been trying to get me a trophy buck for a couple years now
  • I become an engineer

    I become an engineer
    I will get my first real job as an engineer for large buildings
  • ER for breathing issues

    ER for breathing issues
    I couldnt breath one night and had to go to the ER
  • Go to arkansas to visit my brother

    Go to arkansas to visit my brother
    Him and his wife will be just having a baby and we will go visit
  • First year in high school, freshmen

    First year in high school, freshmen
  • Kanye West gets president

    Kanye West gets president
    Kayne will be president for 2020 - 2024
  • Graduated high school

    Graduated high school
    I will hopefully be graduating high school in 2020
  • Move out to an apartment or dorm

    Move out to an apartment or dorm
    I will be going of to college soon so i will be moving out to be closer to it
  • Start College

    Start College
    I will be starting college..... i hope
  • My first dog for myself

    My first dog for myself
    Once I finish collage and get my own house i am getting myself a dog right away
  • My golden birthday

    My golden birthday
    This will be my golden birthday I wish i had it when i was younger than 26 so i could be spoiled by my parents
  • I win $100k from a scrath ticket

    I win $100k from a scrath ticket
    This would be really nice