My Timeline

  • Intel 4004 Microprocessor

    The Intel 4004 was the first commercially available microprocessor, which revolutionized computer design by integrating the CPU onto a single chip.
    Inventors: Federico Faggin, Marcian Hoff, Stanley Mazor, and Masatoshi Shima
  • World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web is an information system that connects documents over the Internet using hyperlinks. It revolutionized how people access and share information online.
    Inventor: Tim Berners-Lee
  • Mosaic Web Browser

    Inventor: Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina
    Mosaic was one of the first web browsers to offer a graphical interface, which significantly contributed to the popularization of the World Wide Web by making it more accessible to users.
  • IPad

    Inventor: Apple Inc.
    The iPad popularized the tablet form factor, offering a new way to interact with digital content through a touchscreen interface. It has been widely adopted in both consumer and professional settings.
  • Amazon Echo (Alexa)

    inventor: Amazon
    The Amazon Echo, featuring the virtual assistant Alexa, revolutionized the smart home market. It enabled voice-controlled interaction with various smart devices, information retrieval, music playback, and more, making smart home technology accessible and popular among consumers.