My timeline

  • Brother was born

    Brother was born
    My brother Mark was born,
    8 BB
  • Marriage

    My mom and dad got married in Hawaii, 3 BB
  • Sister was born

    Sister was born
    My sister carley was born, 2 BB
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born at Bryan Mawr hospital
  • I started Kindergarten

    I started Kindergarten
    I went to the SLC and started kindergarten, 5 AB
  • My parents bought a dog

    My parents bought a dog
    Rosie was brought to the family, 5 AB
  • I got surgery

    I got surgery
    I went to chop hospital to get 2 surgerys, 5 AB
  • Got another puppy

    Got another puppy
    We got my dog Trixie was i was around 4 years old, 6 AB
  • Vacation in SC

    Vacation in SC
    We went to South Carolina during summer, 10 AB
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I started Middle School at ETR, 11 AB