My timeline

  • Birth Day

    Birth Day
  • Parents got divorced

    Parents got divorced
    I was only around 2 years old when my parents got divorced so I don't really remember much and going from house to house has always been normal to me.
  • Third Birthday

    Third Birthday
    This was one of my biggest birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese. Which I ended up being scared of, though later it became one of my favorite places to visit.
  • Met step-sister

    Met step-sister
    It was weird at first when we met and we hated each other for almost a year and a half. Though we started to get along after some time.
  • New siblings

    New siblings
    My half-brother and sister were born two years before each other which was a really big change in the house, but it made me and my step-sister closer.
  • Dad got married

    Dad got married
    I was one of the flower girls at the wedding along with my step-sister. I had a lot of fun and remember the wedding taking place on a golf course. The food was so good and I got sick off of how much I ate.
  • Dad gets divorced

    Dad gets divorced
    When my dad got divorced I wasn't with my siblings a lot and spent a lot of time at my mom's after a while my dad moved and I started to see my half-siblings more. Though I rarely ever saw my step-sister.
  • Traveled to Ireland

    Traveled to Ireland
    This was my first time out of the country it was a lot of fun. We were visiting my uncle and aunt who had just moved there for his job.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    I would say one or two things that I would change about my timeline is how my relationship was affected with my siblings. When my parents first got divorced since it was just me there wasn't a lot of change. I don't have the best relationship with my step-sister anymore due to how bad the divorce was on the other hand my half-siblings have very good relationships with her so it’s a bit sad to see where our relationship was and how it is now.
  • Travel to Singapore

    Travel to Singapore
    This was my first time traveling to Asia. my uncle and Aunt have moved again so we were going to visit them. this time it was a whole family trip and my other uncles, my grandma, and great grandma along with my mom came. This was a very fun experience and we also got to travel to some surrounding countries as well.
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    My timeline shows that I have experienced a lot in my life both good and bad. It shows that I've had a lot of success and have gotten many opportunities that many others haven't. One thing that it does show is that traveling has been a really big part of my life and something that I fell in love with due to my wanting to continue traveling once I'm an adult.
  • Coivd

    The year that COVID-19 happened was interesting. At first, it seemed like a vacation from school because we had to go online but once the seriousness of it truly hit it was a life-changing experience. I did have a few family members get sick with it which was scary and isolating.
  • Graduation

    My senior year has been interesting from college visits to wrestling I've been pretty busy. I wanted to graduate at semester and take that time to travel and experience things before I ended up going to college. Though I wanted to have a full year of wrestling and decided to stick it out and graduate normally.
  • College

    I plan to commit to Fort Hayes and wrestle there for 4 years. I will most likely have to go back to get further education in psychology and Sports Med.
  • Job

    For my job, I plan to be a sports psychologist. I'm not necessarily sure where I will go with this degree whether it will be a coach, working on a sports team, having my private practice, etc.
  • Travle the world

    Travle the world
    After attending college and getting my further education I plan to travel the world. I want to meet new people and form relationships with them.
  • Married

    By 2035 I hope to be married to someone who will love me and stand by me. Even if I don't end up getting married I want to have a partner who will support me through anything.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    My future seems pretty flexible because there's so much that I want to do I don't want to limit myself to long-term commitments. being able to travel and see the world has truly expanded my view on how I want to live life which is why my future is so flexible. I don't have any expectations on how certain things are supposed to go I just want to be able to get the full experience of life from traveling and building good relationships with people.