Clydesdale horses 7

My Timeline

  • Born

    I was born on March 16th i was 6lbs 12oz and 19in long
  • Sister was born

    Sister was born
    My sister Jewel was born July 7th. She was 7lbs 2oz and 20in long. On the way to the hospital she almost was born in the car, unfortunately none of our family was able to be there to witness her birth.
  • 9/11

    I was a year and 6mos old when the attack on the twin towers happened, I dont remember much of that event given I was only a baby.
  • My first pets

    My first pets
    My first pets were two dogs, Sabbath was the Black lab basset hound. Sababth thought she was our mother and she would protect us whenever someone new would enter the house.Harley was a male Geman shephard, he loved to howl at the ambulance and the police sirens when they'd pass our house.
  • Meeting Tiffany

    Meeting Tiffany
    I met tiffany at her birthday party, we have been friends ever since. We have been through everything together, we've always been there for eachother no matter what. I hope we will continue to be friends for a really long time.
  • First tractor ride

    First tractor ride
    I was six years old when my poppa clark taught me how to drive the tractor. I've learned a lot from him, like hunting/survival tips to repairing things.
  • Poppapa's death

    Poppapa's death
    On January 17th my Grandpa a.k.a poppapa passed away. It was very devastating because I was really close to him and he was a very important person to so many people. I remember when I was younger I'd always let him brush my hair because he was so gentle and wouldnt rip through my hair.
  • Gabe was born

    Gabe was born
    On December 5th my baby brother was born. His full name is Gabriel Jason Gansley, he weighed 9lbs and was 21in long. We havent been able to see him for 6 years because his mother took him away from my father and our family.
  • Alicia was born

    Alicia was born
    On June 21st my baby sister was born, her full name is Alicia Lynn Perkins as of 2014 she is 6 yers old and she is adorable and funny in every way. When she was a newborn we lived in Novi Meadows in a single wide trailer.
  • Uncle Clarky and Aunt Sarah's wedding

    Uncle Clarky and Aunt Sarah's wedding
    My sister and I were asked to be flower girls in our Aunt and Uncles wedding. Later on at the reception my sister and I performed a dance for them.
  • The day Eddy was given to me

    The day Eddy was given to me
    When Eddy arrived at the barn he was so scared, my neighbor bought him off of a lady who saved him from slaughter. He was so skinny you could count each of his ribs on both sides, his hip bones were very exposed, and the worst part is his spirit had been broken. As of today my little Edmund is a healthy horse, he is way better than he was when we got him, you can barely see his ribs ( he is a fluffy boy ) and he is more spirited and gets little attitudes with me, but I'm glad he is with me today
  • My first horse show with Edmund

    My first horse show with Edmund
    The first horse show that we competed in was very crazy because there were so many people and as usual I got extremly nervous which also made him nervous.
  • Patch passed away

    Patch passed away
    This day was very hard for me because Patch was one of my best friend at the barn. He was a Mustang Appy and he lived to be 46 years old! ( A horses life span is up to 20 years (avg.)
  • Silver passed away

    Silver passed away
    Yet another hard day for me, my other best friend at the barn passed away. Silver is Patches brother, they have been together for many years. Silver was an Appaloosa, even though he was pure white. He was a particularly special horse because he didnt have any eyes, just sockets. He was the sweetest horse you could ever meet. Before he was retired my sister Jewel and I used to ride him in the arena *walk/trot/canter *
  • Equestrian Team

    Equestrian Team
    This year I also joined the equestrian team, so far this is my favorite group of people. I am "the baby" of the team and there are 5 of us altogether. We worked so hard this season, we placed 1st in our division and we went to regionals the following weekend.
  • Swim Team

    Swim Team
    I joined the swim team this year with my friends, since then I have met many friends through swimming. I still havent decided if i should join next year.