Jayme's Timeline

  • My Brother was born months early

  • My Brother Passes Away

    After my brother was born months early due to my mom having a placenta abrasion (the baby unattached from the uterus wall) he passed away because he was too small to survive. It changed me because the fact that I was supposed to have a big brother makes me sad because I know that my dad really wanted to have a son. Another thing i think about is that if he would've lived I wouldn't have my big sister.
  • My Sister was Born not Breathing

    Not long after my brother passed my parents decided to have my sister. Exactly 11 months after my brother was born my sister was born but her lungs weren't fully developed so she was born not breathing. Due to her brain not receiving air for just a few minutes she is border-line autistic and needs help with certain things but not everything so I have had to learn not to push her past what she can handle.
  • My Birthday

  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Met My Best Friend

  • My Great-Gramma dies the day before her 95th birthday

  • My Dog Got Put Down

    When we had to put my dog Harley dow it was one of the worst feelings for me because we got him before I was in kindergarten so we grew up together. He was the last dog we ever had and he was there when we lost all of our other dogs. When we lost him it was like part of me was gone and it took me a long time to feel normal.
  • My Mamaw Died

    Last October my Mamaw passed away and it honestly changed me completely and I didn't understand how much until months later when I noticed that I wasn't treating people the same and I was doing things to people I never wanted to do to anyone. Since then I have gotten a lot better even though there are some hard days I am trying to be better. It's almost been a year since she's been gone but it still feels like it was just yesterday when I gave her a hug for the last time.
  • Found Out I have Migraines

  • My Dad having heart problems

    My dad is 54 and he has been in pretty good shape because he worked at a prison for 15 years but this past year he has been complaining of heart problems and turns out that his blood pressure was so high that it was a surprise that he hadn't had a heart attack. Hearing that my dad should have had a heart attack really made me understand that I need to spend more time with the people I love because you never know how much longer you have with the people you love.