my timeline

By Kitty1
  • my birth

    my birth
    My mum told me that my heart stopped beatting and the nurses took me out quickly but I surived. i was surpose to be born in stempber in spring.
  • kinder/kinder garden

    kinder/kinder garden
    I had the best kinder year ever. My friends wore Emily,Kristen and my godbrother Corrie. we had a christmas corncert and graduation I was so sad to leave kinder not really I can`t remeber
  • my frist day of school

    my frist day of school
    I was in prep. Kristen came to this school with me.
  • My frist M rated movie

    My frist M  rated movie
    I watched twilight now I can watched M rated movies anless if it is apprpiate movie for me.
  • my graduation

    my graduation
    that was the best night ever. I saw the poaster with us as preps to now. I looked so cute in prep.
  • last day of term 4

    last day of term 4
    i was so sad to leave the school and all my friends. I creid when i left the gym all the way to the shops i stopped. I was so sad.
  • my frist day of high school

    my frist day of high school
    i went to the wrong acaemdy. i went to the sports acamedy. i was so happy that someone told me that i was in the wrong class. that was a crofused day ever
  • today

    today I`m in high school