Welcome to the new world!
Birthdates are always significant to everyone because it is the date when you first come out to this world. This event was definitely significant to me because I saw my parents, and I was introdued to Earth. I was born in Seoul, South Korea. Even though I dont remember a lot, I know it was the most significant event that happened in life. -
First day I stepped onto the Earth.
I can run fast, and play a lot of sports. However, first step to all of this is walking. I first walked when I went to an amusement park with my family, This event is significant to me because my feet touched the Earth's surface for the first time. This can allow me to lead to different journeys that can happen during my life and sometimes can lead to different obstacles. -
What up brother!!
When I was just before two years old, my brother came to Earth. My brother was also borned in South Korea. I do not remember all the things that happened when my brother was borned but I felt pretty weird about the fact that there is someone younger than me. My parents said that I was the first one to hold him. This event is significant because I got one more family member and this event allowed me to be more responsible and be mature. -
First day in kindergarten.
I went to kindergarten in Korea. My parents were pretty worried about me going to kindegtatren because they thought I was entering the "new world" where it can be dangerous and harsh. However for me, it was a process for being mature. This event is significant to me because I met new people that were around my age and got to interact with them in different activities. I found this event as a opportunity for me to get to next level in this world. -
First time watching soccer in real life.
I was six years old during this year. I loved playing soccer and during this year, there was 2002 World Cup in Korea, and it was the first time that Korea made it to the semifinals in World Cup. At this time, South Korea was crazy! This event is significant to me because it was my first time to watch a soccer game in a dome. The intensity was very high, and the crowd was crazy! -
The day when I came to Canada.
My parents wanted me to study in places that had better education, and they wanted me to learn other cultures. It was sad for me when I had to leave because I could not gurantee when to see my firends again in Korea. However, I thought about this as entering a new life, where I restart everything. This event is significant because I got to learn new languages, meet new people that has different cultures, and interact with them. Even though it was a sad event, I met new people and gained alot. -
Made a basketball team outside of school.
After I came to Canada, I changed my sport to basketball. I learned quickly, and I was very interested in it. I wanted to play more basketball so I searched through different teams outside of school. After all, I saw a team called Avengers. This event is significant to me because first, I met new people outside from the school and this changed my personality. Second, this team made me exceed to the next level in basketball and I learned new skills everyday. I continue to play for this team. -
Elementary Graduation!
I spent the rest of my elementary school year in Canada, and it was finally the most significant time, the graduation. I was little bit nervous about the fact that I am going to highschool, however I was excited and littlebit sad. The reason was because I could not see some of my friends because they were going to different highschools. This event is significant to me because it wraps up my "Part 1 Life" in Canada and starts a new part of my life that will happen in the future. -
First day in highschool.
This event is significant to me because it demonstrates my new part of life where I will spend my four years. During this four years, I can make new friends, meet new teachers, and find out my career paths after highschool. Therefore, this event allows me to determine what to do after highshool, and connects my life into the real world after four years. -
Watching basketball in Syracuse.
My goal is to one day play basketball in the states. Well, my dreams came true on this day! NCAA is a famous sports association for colleges in United States, and there are a lot of famous players. This event is significant to me because I saw famous players who I look up to and played basketball with skilled players in United States. This event gave me a new experience in my basketball life.