My timeline

  • Zygote

    the first four days I am alive
  • Infancy

    my birth until I was two years old
  • Period: to


    From the day I was born to the 4th day
  • Period: to


    The day I was born to the day I turned 2 yrs old
  • Period: to


    My Heart beats regularly. Eyes and ears begin to form on my face
  • Embryo

    Heart beats regularly. Eyes and ears begin to form.
  • Period: to


    Eyelids can open and weight can be up to 6.6 pounds.
  • Fetus

    Fingerprints form
  • Childhood

    I am now a child and I can talk and walk
  • Period: to


    I am aging and becoming to start puberty
  • puberty

    I got hair under my arms I am getting tall and my voice is deeper
  • Period: to


    I am going throw puperty and my body is maturing
  • Period: to


    Aging becomes more noticeable and progresses rapidly.