My TimeLine

  • Birth

  • Period: to

    Boones Timespan

  • Kentucky Wildcats become National Champions

  • Sister is born

  • Tubby Smith become Kentucky head basketball coach

  • Tubby Smith leads Kentucky to the Championship

  • Brother is born

  • Got my first fourwheeler

  • Twin Towers were attacked by terrists

  • Cut my finger badly

  • Killed my first turkey

  • US invaded Iraq

  • First time in public school

  • Brother is born

  • Divorse

  • First deer hunt

  • Killed my first deer

  • Obama was elected

  • John Calipari was named head coach of Kentucky

  • Got 3rd in Tennesee State Archery Tournament

  • Michael Jackson died

  • Kentucky is the first team to reach 2000 wins

  • Won Kentucky Archery State Championship

  • You met your bestfriend

  • 5 Kentucky Wildcats go in first round of the NBA Draft

    new record
  • MHS Basketball starts with new coach

  • Earthquake hits Japan

  • KY Basketball All-Stars Game

  • Recieved my Learners Permit

  • Killed my first longbeard turkey

  • Royal Wedding

  • Osama Bin Laden is killed