My Timeline

By tasha@
  • Frist picture of me at three months.

    Frist picture of me at three months.
    It is my youngest photo of me, when I was three months old.
  • Me in my house.

    Me in my house.
    Frist time I am in my house, with a big smile, wondering where am I.
  • First day at Play Centre.

    First day at Play Centre.
    Today was my first day at Play Centre, I decided to figure paint. That day I painted hundreds! Of photos. Finger painting was my favorite thing to do at Play Centre; I always wanted to finger paint.
  • First time I sat/rode on a horse.

    First time I sat/rode on a horse.
    My Play Centre went to a barn that day, we sat on a horse, pated cows and chickens, and felt how woolly the sheep’s wool were, they were so woolly!
  • First time I went on a felid trip without my mum.

    First time I went on a felid trip without my mum.
    This is me siting on a statue of an eagle, this was my first time I did not have my mum with me, but the teacher took lots of photos to show her when we got back.
  • Me at my new school, Leamington Primary.

    Me at my new school, Leamington Primary.
    This is me at my new school, at Leamington Primary, at this school a lot of kids went to Cambridge Middle school with me and a lot of them are in my class or are my friends.
  • First game of Netball

    First game of Netball
    That was my first game of netball, I had won, but I didn’t know that netball will become my main sport. When I was a year 6. I trailed for the Cambridge Reps and guess what I got in! Hopefully I will be as successful as that year, for those years yet to come.
  • My family gets a new pet!

    My family gets a new pet!
    The day we got our Turtle was 16/02/2010 and it was a school day so we had to wait until we got home, but that day I was sick so I got to stay home, but I was not allowed to hold the turtle because I was sick, but I was the first person to see it and a week later I played with it outside under a tree.
  • My new school Cambridge Middle

    My new school Cambridge Middle
    Cambridge Middle school is a great school, I got in the Cambridge year seven rep team and hopefully again next year, and I made it into the 8A team! We play in Hamilton, there are more teams there.
  • First time I went to Australia Brisbane zoo.

    First time I went to Australia Brisbane zoo.
    That is me going to pat an Emu, when I did I thought it will fell very weird like, but it just felt like a normal bird. There were Emus and Kangaroos in a big paddock just walking around or sleeping, you were allowed to go in and walk around and pat them so we did, and they were very friendly and hungry so we brought them some food from the zoo keeper selling it.
  • Cambridge Middle school, my last year!

    Cambridge Middle school, my last year!
    This is my last year at Cambridge Middle school, next year I will be going to Cambridge High school. I am in room 1 and my teacher is Miss de Hoog, we are in the digital class which means we use computers instead of books. I made it into year 8A team for Cambridge Middle school and hopefully when I trial for Cambridge Reps in the middle of the year for the year eights I will get in.