My timeline

  • Birth

    I was Hobart at Hobart Private Hospital to parents Warwick and Terese Golding. I weighed 3.2kg and had very bright red hair. .
  • Brother Edwards Birth

    My brother Edward was born at 8.20pm on Saturday 1 March 2003.
  • I started school in kinder at Princes St Primary

    I started school at Princes Street Primary.
  • We baught a shack at Slopen Main.

    In 2005 we baught a shack at Slopen Main. When we first baught it it was only a caravan. Recently we removed the caravan and built a small shack.
  • Dog Splodges birth

    I got Splodge for my 7th birthday. He was one of seven male Cavalier King Charles in the litter.
  • Broke my arm in the classroom

    I broke my arm in the classroom. It was a green stick fracture in my wrist.
  • I joined the Sandy Bay Lions FC

    In grade 4 i played club footy for the first time. It was for Sandy Bay.
  • I went on a trip to Asia.

    In 2010 me and my family went on a trip to Asia. In Asia we went to Vietnam for a week and then to China for 3 weeks. On the way back we went to Vietnam for a couple of days.
  • Nose operation.

    In 2011 I had a nose operation. I had it because my nose was always blocked. Now it isnt always blocked.
  • A trip to the Mainland.

    Me and my family went on a trip to the Mainland. We went along the Great Ocean Road in Victoria and then up through South Australia. Then we went through the Northern Territory and up the top around there then across to WA to Broome. On the way back I climbed Uluru.