My timeline

By sniazi
  • The imac 4G

    The imac 4G
    It was by Apple. And it replaced the imac 3G. And I think it looks pretty cool. And not that bad.
  • I was born

    I was born and happy! :) But my mom told me I was REALLY hard to take care of.
  • Iraq invasion

    Iraq invasion
    The US and UK invaded Iraq to stop the terrorisim. And free the poor little Iraq citzens. and Iraq had alot of terrorisim going on. So the US and the UK came to the rescue!
  • The first time I met my cousin

    I met my cousin for the first time. We played alot. And we had fun. And my cousin right now lives in the U.S.A And i love going to visit him. Like the time we went to universal studios. And we went on lots of rides!
  • The first time I went to school

    I went to school for the first time. And we got to play with toys with other students. I forgot what is it called. But I remember I had a best friend with me in that school. And we always played with each other.
  • People die in Japan train crash

    People die in Japan train crash
    107 die in Asnagaski rail crash in Japan when the train crashed.Mabye some guy hijacked the train and it went BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!! Which must have either injured people so bad that they are really close to death, or killed them. :(
  • Sri lanka's foreign minister assasinated

    Sri lanka's foreign minister assasinated
    Sri lanka's foreign minister Lakshman Kadirgamar is assasinated by an LTTE sniper in his own house! But I don't know WHO shot him. That is my big qeustion.
  • The I phone.

    The I phone.
    Apple inc CEO steve jobs anounces the Iphone. (my mom has one to.)
  • I moved to Riyadh

    I moved to Riyadh, and went to the american school. And thats where I am now. I go to a school called AISR. And I live in a compound called palm estates.
  • Call of Duty: Black ops 2

    Call of Duty: Black ops 2
    Black ops 2 get 500 milluion dollars! It becomes the world's biggest entertaiment in 24 hours!