My First Technology
My first memory of technology is from elementary school. In the first grade we would use computers in the computer lab.This is where we worked on software programs for phonics instruction. My lab teacher was Mrs. Burwick. She is still with the school now, even though they have changed locations and names. -
Elementary School Years
I continued using computers at school throughout elementary school. We used them for educational games, taking accelerated reader tests, and looking for books in the library. We did not have a computer at home because my family was poor. It wouldn't be until much later when computers were more accessible to everyday people we would purchase one for our family. I also remember my elementary teachers using old school projectors with pull down screens and wet erase markers. -
Middle School Span
About the time I started middle school I recall not just computer labs, but some teachers had a couple of computers in his/her classroom. We would go to a lab in the library to type papers and complete research. The internet was dial up and slow. -
Way to Save
I remember saving my typed work on floppy disks. -
Our First Computer
Some time during middle school I remember getting a computer for our house. My brother was in high school and desperately needed one to begin working on school work. My parents saved enough money for us to get a computer for our house. It looked sort of like the picture. The computer operated with Windows XP, We also got dial up internet at home. -
High School
Technology is now just about everywhere you look. It was also getting sleeker. Hand held camcorders were no longer bulky. People were getting cell phones. My parents had cell phones, so we could call them from a home land line. Around this time I remember laptops started making their way into public school classrooms. -
My First Laptop
When I was a senior in high school I got my first computer. It was a dell laptop and at that time we had wireless internet. -
By the time I reached college I now had my own laptop and my own cell phone. My parents didn't want me driving to Lake Charles without a way of communicating with me, especially for night classes. -
Working Girl
Toward the end of my time in college classrooms were advancing with things like modern projectors, interactive whiteboards, mobile laptop carts, etc. I know this because my undergraduate degree was elementary education and I would incorporate these technologies into my very first lesson plans. When I graduated I moved to Ruston, LA and began my first career job teaching 4th grade in a rural, low-socioeconomic school. I did not have an interactive white board. -
My First Promethean Board
During my time in north Louisiana as a classroom teacher I was desperately trying to get my hands on an interactive whiteboard. There was only one on our campus and I wanted it. At the end of my first year teaching the 3rd grade teacher that had the board was retiring and I wanted to move to her classroom. I was the only other person on campus who knew how to use the board. I got to transfer to third grade. YAY! -
Moving Back Home
In 2013 I was ready to move back home to south Louisiana. I was hired for a job teaching 2nd grade in Cameron Parish. Every classroom in this school had an interactive whiteboards, computers, wireless internet, point and shoot cameras, small camcorder devices, called flip cams, and some classes had document cameras. -
Our school has technology oozing from wall to wall and are completely mobile. We have over 75 laptops, interactive boards in every room, document cameras, ActivPanels, Apple TVs, 125 iPad Air 2 (1 to 1), 3D printer, 3D scanner, ActivTable, poster maker, and adaptive technologies. We use online cloud storing systems and learner management systems. In our high school we are transitioning to digital curriculum and our kindergartners are creating digital masterpieces through app smashing. -
Personally I LOVE Technology
I have wireless internet in my home. I have a laptop, cell phone, iPad, built in navigation in my car, smart watch, smart TV, both of my boys have cell phones, chrome books, and drones, We have a wireless printer, smart thermostat, and a 3D doodle pen. Technology is moving at such a fast pace that the possibilities seem endless. I can't wait to see where technology take us!