Amelie by the old house door

My Time Line

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born!!! I added this event because this marks the beginning of my life
  • My sister Penelope was born

    My sister Penelope was born
    My middle sister, Penelope Marie Brazelton, was born. This is an important part of my life because she is part of my everyday life, and I love her very much.
  • Period: to

    We moved into my grandparents house

    We moved into my grandparents house for 2 months while my parents were house hunting.
  • We got chickens!!

    We got chickens!!
    We got 12 chickens!! This impacted my life lot, because they take up a lot of time, feeding them watering them, and making sure they are safe when your house is under construction.
  • My Dad got in a car accident

    My Dad got in a car accident
    My dad got hit by a car when he was biking home from work by a 16 year old girl who was reaching down for her purse, and she drove into the bike lane. My dad broke his arm and had some brain issues. I wish that didn't happen, because now he gets angry a lot faster.
  • My sister Madeline was born

    My sister Madeline was born
    My littlest sister was born!!! This is important to me because she is my sister, and she is a important part of my everyday life, and I love her very much
  • I started running with my dad

    I started running with my dad
    I started running around Lake Nokomis in the morning with my dad and our two dogs, Ike and Leo. Because of this I have to wake up at 6:20, but I let my alarm buzz until 6:25 because it takes me a long time to wake up. This affects me because I have to wake up super early because of this, and I do it almost every day
  • My dog Sam, died

    My dog Sam, died
    My dog died, and he was born in 2000 in July, and he was my moms best friend. She was really sad when he died, and she still cries when anyone talks about dead anything, especially dogs.
  • I started Down Hill Skiing

    I started Down Hill Skiing
    I started down hill skiing. This is important to me because I love to ski. Down hill skiing is my favorite, but I also cross country ski, and water ski. This affects me very much because I love doing it, and I spend a lot of my winter in Wisconsin, skiing at Trollhaugen. My family always gets a season pass, and we spend a lot of our weekends skiing.
  • First Day Of School Ever

    First Day Of School Ever
    I started 6th grade at Upper Mississippi Academy.
  • Our friends planted a new garden

    Our friends planted a new garden
    My dad had been taking care of seedlings all winter, and then he got in his car crash, and he couldn't plant all of the seedlings, because he had to do physical therapy, and he broke his arm, so all of our friends planted the garden for him!
  • My sisters went to school for the first time ever.

    My sisters went to school for the first time ever.
    My sisters started school on August 29th, in 2016. Madeline goes to Armatage Montessori Elementary School. She started third grade. Penelope started 6th grade at Upper Mississippi Academy
  • We tore down our house

    We tore down our house
    We tore down our old house because it was really old, and my mom wore a winter hat, mittens, two pairs of socks, and a jacket to bed because the house had such bad insulating, and she got really really cold.
  • We got a new dog!

    We got a new dog!
    We got a new dog, and his name was Ike, and we liked it so we kept it. But not for long, because my dad is really good at coming up with funny nicknames. So, now we call him Puss, and his most recent name is PB, for 'Pus Bur' because he got stuck with burs once, and my dad pretends that he is a bear, and they play Bear Attack together.
  • We got another new dog!!

    We got another new dog!!
    We got a new dog, and his name was Denver, but we hated that name, so we changed it to Leo, but my dad wanted to name him Dave. Leo is my moms dog, and she said no. Leo is his real name, but we mostly call him Rat Face, and I call him Lelo.