My Time Line

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    This was an important day for me. It was the start of my life which could lead to unlimited possibilities. I will always celebrate this day and be happy to be alive
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • entered kindergarten

    entered kindergarten
    This was a gate way to my education. it was my first experience in a school and it set up the rest of my lifes education.
  • Got my dog

    Got my dog
    This was the day that i got my dog. my dog has been a good friend to me for all my life and has helped me get through the hard times.
  • My First Baseball Medal

    My First Baseball Medal
    This was the first time that i won a medal playing baseball. this gave me a great sense of accomplishment and made me want to continue to play baseball and sports for many years
  • Changed schools

    Changed schools
    this is the day that i changed from my first elementary school to my second. this is important for me because i met alot of friends that i still spend time with today
  • Graduated elementary school

    Graduated elementary school
    This is the day that i graduated elementary school. this was a passage way into my new education, after elmentary i go to highschool and that is a new stage in life
  • cat died

    cat died
    this is the day that my cat died. this was an important day becasue it taught me what it fell like to lose something close to me. this makes me want to protect the things i care about
  • got my braces

    got my braces
    this is the day that i got my braces on. this started to setup my life for the future it taught me that i should think for the future and not just right now, it might but unpleasent but will be better later