In the beginning...
As a new teacher, the most exciting technology in my classroom consisted of an overhead projector, one desktop computer (for my use), and a set of 15 white boards. photo credit: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41YTJDPJ8GL.jpg -
In addition...
Along with this technology, I used paper behavior charts and file folder portfolios to collect student work over the course of the year. photo credit: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71dSKSsN-9L._SY355_.jpg -
Don't forget...
I also had a full set of encyclopedias that I had purchased from the library's used book sale. photo credit: https://media.nbcdfw.com/images/653*367/Britannica.jpg -
Moving to a new school...
In 2009 I was hired to open a brand new elementary school. This is when I was introduced to the Smart board. I had no idea how to use it. And our overhead projectors were "banned" from the building. photo credit: https://education.smarttech.com/products/smart-board-800 -
Out with "old fashioned Google"...
In 2011 we were "blessed" to receive a cart of hand-me-down netbooks from the high school. In the time it took to get a student logged in and online, ready to research, "old fashioned Google", (aka the encyclopedias), could have done the job and then some. photo credit: https://www.laptopmag.com/t/netbooks -
Through a grant written by my cohort, our grade level team received three iPads. We were in heaven! They worked quickly, allowing for much faster research. The only problem was that there were only three of them...and 120 of us. photo credit: https://www.apple.com/shop/buy-ipad/ipad-pro -
In comes the document camera...
No one knew how to use it. No one. It sat on a cart in the library because no one had time to figure it out. photo credit:
https://www.amazon.com/Epson-Document-resolution-Microphone-Connectivity/dp/B0047EA8AW -
Ahhh...new laptops
Our PTO purchased a set of 32 new laptops and gave them to my team. And although we had to share among four classes, it was so nice to finally have reliable technology for the kids to use. This is when I was able to begin allowing students to type papers at school and adjust projects to allow for online research. photo credit: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/computers-pcs/laptop-computers/abcat0502000.c?id=abcat0502000 -
PTO does it again...
Now that our school and funding raised through PTO is off the ground after being open for more than 7 years, they have more money for projects. The latest was to purchase a cart of 14 brand new iPads. We have to check them out and share with the school, but it is nice to have access to them weekly. -
Online technology...
So now I am looking into some of my classroom management systems that seem a bit antiquated at this point. I am trying to learn how to use Classroom Dojo and SeeSaw in order to update the manner in which I manage behavior and collect portfolios for student work. https://www.classdojo.com/