
My Technology Timline

  • My Birthday

    This was the year that I was born, and technology was going through several changes during this time. This was right on the edges of many different technological advances in many different aspects of technology
  • Playstation

    The original Playstation was released on this date and I remember telling my parents that this was something that I wanted. The game that I remember most on that was Tony Hawk Pro Skater game.
  • ICQ Released

    ICQ Released
    ICQ or "I seek you" was the first instant messaging program that I got to use on the family computer that was at the house. I remember talking to my friends several times on that program and remember the famous "Uh-Oh" sound it made when you got a message.
  • My First Desktop Computer

    My First Desktop Computer
    In the early 2000s, Compaq computer company released the iPAQ desktop computer. I remember this being my first computer that I was able to do things on for my school and also to play a few computer games.
  • Classroom Technology: Media Carts

    Classroom Technology: Media Carts
    I remember when I was in school that my teachers would have to go to the library to check out the big media cart for us to watch things on. This was just a big cart that had a television strapped to the top and all of the different types of things to play different medial that you could think of.