My Technology timeline

  • VCR

    We have had a VCR for as long as I can remember. I grew up with one, and we still have 2 working VCR's in our home.
  • learning to type

    learning to type
    In 10th grade I took a typing class. I learned to type on an electric typwriter.
  • first phone

    first phone
    My very first cell phone in 1997
  • First computer

    First computer
    In 2001 we bought our first computer. My husband set me up with my first email account form Yahoo.
  • TV VCR combo

    TV VCR combo
    When I was working for my dad I was able to bring my 2 kids to work with me. I kept them entertained and out of trouble with a TV VCR combo.
  • second computer

    second computer
    We bought our second computer in 2010. We haven't used this computer in the last 8 years- it is still in storage...
  • first laptop

    first laptop
    When I started college, I needed a laptop. This was the first one I bought. It was big, bulky, and heavy.
  • netflix 2015

    netflix 2015
    Since 2015 Netflix has been the main way we watch movies
  • last laptop

    last laptop
    This laptop was my first touchscreen. I love it a lot, and although it runs slow and needs to be replaced- I am not sure I really need a laptop.
  • Latest phone

    Latest phone
    This is my latest phone. I can text, call, use the internet, watch Netflix, order from anywhere, and play games- the possibilities are endless.