My Technology Timeline - AG

  • Period: to

    My Technology Timeline - AG

    Technology timeline across the lifespan of a 28 year old graduate student.
  • DVD Format Introduced

    DVD Format Introduced
    DVD or Digital Video Disc was introduced in 1996 as an alternate to VHS tapes for home, education, and entertainment purposes. Soon after the release of DVDs, VHS sales began to phase out.
    Image obtained from
  • My First Cellphone

    My First Cellphone
    I was 12 years old when I was given my first cell phone: a Motorola Razr V3. The phone offered no free wifi internet as you had to have a plan at that time. Games on the phone were limited and text tones had to be purchased for download. T9 was the text feature rather than the QWERTY keyboard. Image from
  • Digital Projectors

    Digital Projectors
    Digital projectors began to become more affordable for school systems to purchase for usages. Prior to that projection in schools typically used analog or overhead projection for notes, photos, and the like. Image from
  • LimeWire Disabled

    LimeWire Disabled
    LimeWire was a program introduced in the early 2000s. The platform allowed for sharable downloads regarding movies and music. However, due to the lack of authorization, the program's filed often were infected with viruses and spyware that people downloaded unknowingly. In 2010, the program was disbanded due to the illegal nature of the distribution of material. Image from
  • Tablets in the Classroom

    Tablets in the Classroom
    In 2013, schools began to utilize tablets in the classroom to assist with the progression of technology use in the classroom. Teachers have the capability to monitor programs that are required and the tablets are for school use only. Image from