First memory
I can remember using a computer for the first time in kindergarten. I couldn't tell you what I did on it, but I can remember sitting in the corner of the community play room playing some game! Image source: http://waterford.k12.wi.us/computer_lab_links/kindergarten -
Computer games
In grade school, as a reward for finishing our typing program we could play games at the end of class - Oregon Trail was my favorite! Image source: www.bigfishgames.com -
Home computer
I remember when my dad FINALLY bought a computer for my brothers and I to use at home. We felt like we were the last kids we knew to get one. We were so excited to be able to play games and chat with our friends! Image source: www.computingforever.com -
My senior year of high school, we were each given personal e-mail accounts for use on the school's Intranet to communicate with teachers, receive announcements, and coordinate club activities. This opened the world of professional e-mail communication to me as well as was the first e-mail account I routinely checked. Image source: www.ahsrockets.org -
When I started college at UD, we were required to purchase laptops through the university. I quickly realized how terrible the Tangent laptop was but I was excited to have my very own computer for the first time in my life. Image source: www.udayton.edu -
With my first iPod, I learned a great deal about the world of Apple. I did not have exposure to it in high school (only the art kids did!). I set up my first iTunes account and learned to load music to a fanscinating device that became my soundtrack as I walked to classes at UD. Image source: www.amazon.com -
Electronic records
I was a new graduate nurse in 2011 and learned a massive electronic charting system, Epic. Having grown up with computers I found the system very user friendly and easy to navigate, some of my older collegues struggled. Here I first learned the disparity in technology and nursing. Image source: www.peacehealth.org -
Getting my first smartphone was a big upgrade from my basic cell phone! Email, Facebook, and Google at my fingertips. Literally life-changing! Image source: www.imore.com -
Online Education
This is when I started my MSN online through Marshall University. I was not new to Blackboard but new to a strictly online format. I still am learning how best I can learn without face to face lectures. Image source: www.marshall.edu