My Technology Timeline

  • First Gaming Console

    First Gaming Console
    My first gaming console I received as a gift for Christmas was a PlayStation. My favorite games were Spyro and Tony Hawks skateboard game. Photo from
  • First Mobile Phone

    First Mobile Phone
    My parents got a Motorola Bag Phone to put in our car. I thought it was the coolest thing to be able to call people from our car. My sister and I would get caught going outside and calling people from the car. Photo courtesy of
  • First Computer

    We got our first Desktop computer at Christmas in 1999. It had the slowest connection and dial up internet. So thankful for the advancement of technology!
  • First Cell Phone

    First Cell Phone
    My parents got me a cellphone when I got into middle school. The only reason I got one so young was so that I had a way to contact them on when I needed picked up from practices. I had the Nokia 3310 cell phone. Photo courtesy of Amazon.
  • First Laptop

    I got my first laptop the start of my senior year of high school. I was taking college credit classes and needed a laptop.
  • First Smart Phone

    After working and saving up I was able to get my first smart phone, I purchased the iPhone3. I was blow away with the capabilities the phone had.
  • First iPad

    I had the iPad mini, it was a gift that I used throughout college. I would use it to take notes and work on my online classes.
  • First Smart Watch

    First Smart Watch
    For Christmas I got an Apple watch. It's amazing at the capabilities this watch has. I didn't think I'd ever use one so it was given to me as a gift and now I cannot go a day with out it. The ease of having so many resources just on your wrist is unbelievable.