my technology timeline

  • First Computer

    One of the first pieces of technology I remember using was a computer. My dad built a computer for me for my second birthday. We kept it until it broke and I used it well into my early grade school years. It had a CRT monitor and Windows 98. I remember being so excited watching my dad put together the computer and being fascinated by all the hardware he taught me about. I played lots of early computer games for kids like Put Put, Freddi Fish, and Monsters Inc Pinball.
  • NES

    While we had it my entire life, I wasn’t introduced to our NES system until I was around 6 or 7 years old. I remember many family nights sitting around the tv playing Mario Bros. I remember lots of laughter and passing the controller to my mom when we couldn’t beat a level. To this day it is still my gaming system of choice.
  • Zune

    In 2008 I got my first Zune player. While I had been previously known to carry around a Walkman and a few music tapes, I was so excited to be able to put all my favorite music and movies onto my Zune player. My brother and I watched movies and listened to music on long car rides to Missouri or during our weekly doctors’ appointments.
  • First Mobile Phone

    When I was in 4th grade, I got my first mobile phone. It was a sliding phone with a keyboard. My brother and I shared it. We got it for emergencies, but I remember being so excited to be able to text all my friends; that is until I quickly noticed none of my friends actually had a phone. Once I was in 7th grade I had more friends with phones that I could actually contact. Around that time my keyboard broke so I remember using the number pad to type out texts for about a year.
  • First Smart Phone

    in my second semester of high school in 2016, I got my first smart phone. I remember being so excited because I could put an external SD card in it so I could take more photos without an error message telling me I was out of space. My first smart phone was a galaxy S3. I mostly used it for taking photos and messaging friends. Since then I’ve had a moto (I don’t remember the model) an S4 and S8 Samsung and I now have a Samsung S9