My Technology Timeline

  • Birth

    While people have been having babies since the dawn of time, technologies such as ultrasounds and heart monitors helped hospital staff and my parents prepare for and make the right decisions about my birth.
  • Using a Computer in School

    During kindergarten, students who excelled in the classroom were taken to Ms. Perry's room. We were allowed to play on the computers under her supervision. I remember we used the computers to fill in coloring sheets. I specifically recall a farm setting with chickens.
  • First Personal Gaming System

    First Personal Gaming System
    For Christmas, my sister and I got a gameboy. Santa brought tetris and Dr. Mario. This early interaction with technology really helped me to view technology as "fun" and something I shouldn't be afraid of.
  • Internet in Homes Near Me

    Internet in Homes Near Me
    In the fall of 1998, my aunt and uncle first connected to the internet. Their home was a short walk from mine, and I enjoyed playing checkers and chass online as well as using search engines like "dogpile" to complete extra credit assignments in music class.
  • Internet in My Home

    Internet in My Home
    Through a hand-me-down computer, my family connected to the internet in our own home. This connected me to friends and family through email and instant messaging services. It encouraged me to continue using my keyboarding skills (Thanks, Mom!).
  • First Personal Cell Phone

    First Personal Cell Phone
    In eighth grade, I joined the high school marching band. Since I was staying after school for rehearsal and I was involved in sports at school, my parents felt it was important for me to be able to contact them after school. They provided me with my first cell phone. It was a nokia pre-paid phone.
  • First Personal Computer

    When I entered the Booth Scholars Program, I was given my first personal computer. I remmeber it was a Dell laptop, and I would be supremely annoyed when my dad referred to it as "Dale" (a family name).
  • First MP3 Player

    During my freshman year of high school, I got my first MP3 player. It was an off-brand player that cost around $50. I enjoyed hits such as Get Low and Don't Take the Girl.
  • First Use of a Mac

    During my senior year, I joined the yearbook staff. We were required to use Macs to edit the yearbook. This was one of my first interactions with these machines.