My Technology Timeline

  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    Although I was only a year old when this gaming console was released, it was a big part of my childhood. I probably started playing it around 6 years old (2000-2001). I vividly remember my sister, who is five years older than me, and I playing Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong, etc. on the weekends.
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  • HitClips

    Although it was released in 2000, I did not get my first HitClips until a year or so later. It was a small audio player that played a 60-second clip of a popular song (typically the chorus). There were exchangeable cartridges that could be bought. I probably had 6-8 that I would switch out.
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  • Game Boy Advance

    Game Boy Advance
    The Game Boy Advance was my first gameboy. I got it as a Christmas gift. I was either in the first or second grade. I remember my sister having a Game Boy Color (that she hardly ever let me play with), but the Game Boy Advance was a big "step up" as far as graphics.
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  • MySpace

    MySpace was the popular social networking service before Facebook happened. It was launched in August 2003. I was only in third grade at the time so obviously I did not have my MySpace account until years later, but I remember my sister having one before I did. Once I created my account, my parents monitored it regularly, along with my sister's.
  • Wii

    The Wii was the second gaming console I remember us getting as kids. It was an improvement in that some of the games got us up and moving around.
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  • iPod Touch

    iPod Touch
    Aside from my HitClips, I remember listening to music on boomboxes and portable cd players. I was so excited when I got my first iPod. It was a Christmas gift from my grandma. I took it everywhere with me!
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