Technology 1980-1990

  • 3 1/2 inch floppy drive and diskettes

    3 1/2 inch floppy drive and diskettes
    Sony was the first to introduce this drive and diskettes for general use, and a year later HP adopted this format.
  • Lisa computer by Apple

    Lisa computer by Apple
    This is the first commercial use computer with a graphical user interface. It had 1 MB of RAM and a 12 inch monitor. The monitor changed the way we interact with our computers and paved the way to the screen age we have now.
  • Flash memory

    Flash memory
    Fujio Masuoka invents the flash drive which is capable of storing information and erasing it multiple times.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System

    Nintendo Entertainment System
    Nintendo releases this entertainment system that eventually endeared millions to Super Mario and Luigi.
  • Macintosh Portable

    Macintosh Portable
    Though not the first "laptop" computer available, it was the first Macintosh put out. It was heavy and expensive, and was not popular. But 2 years later, Mac put out its first in the Powerbook Series which eventually became known as the MacBook we know today.