My Technology Journey

  • First CD Player For Christmas

    First CD Player For Christmas
    I received my first Compact Disc player as a Christmas present when I was in the 7th grade. I was the first kid in my class to have one. I remember signing up for the CD of the month club and slowly growing my collection of CDs. It was my first introduction to updated technology and I was hooked!
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  • First Home Video Game System

    First Home Video Game System
    For Christmas I received my first home video games system, the new Nintendo System that came complete with two games. Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt. This was during the time when you couldn't beat a video game after a few tries. I played that game until I had blisters on my fingers!
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  • First computer's arrive at my high school

    First computer's arrive at my high school
    I was a sophomore in high school when our school got their first computers and started a computer lab and computer courses. I was chosen to be in the first class to learn how to run a basic animation program. We also typed our first term papers on these computers this year, this made a big difference when it came time to edit compared to the type writers that we used to use.
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  • First Home Computer

    First Home Computer
    My first home computer was a Gateway computer (you know the one with the cow boxes) that I had to take out a small personal loan for. It cost nearly $3,500 and the monitor was the size of a compact car.
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  • First Journey Inside the Internet, AOL

    First Journey Inside the Internet, AOL
    I recall connecting to the internet for the first time and not really understanding exactly what it was for. I used an AOL disc that I had received in the mail with free hours to get started. I remember entering various chat groups with different topics, although it was quite entertaining I wondered how this was going to be useful at all to me. Little did I know that a few short years later most of my daily activities would depend on it. Image from
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    Even though it had only been a few short years since I had bought my first cell phone, I was fortunate enough to be one of the first in my area to have the original iPhone. How this has changed our lives! Constant connection to the world around us with 10x the power and storage of my original computer in my pocket. It's a phone, a camera, a computer, a television, a radio, calendar...
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