My technology experience

  • Rotary phone

    Rotary phone
    From the day I was born, we had this phone in our house growing up. We had a rotary phone forever!
  • Microwave

    We had a microwave just like this! It was the kind with the knob that you turned for the minutes. I remember being amazed at how water boiled in there!
  • EZ Bake Oven

    EZ Bake Oven
    My sister and I got an ez bake oven for christmas and we made cakes for days!
  • 8 track tape player

    8 track tape player
    I remember listening to Neil Diamond on these!
  • Walkie Talkies

    Walkie Talkies
    My brothers and sisters and I used to play games with the walkie talkies. We would test how far we could use them around the neighborhood.
  • New computer

    New computer
    I was so excited to use our new cool computer! I remember the blinking green square and the sound when I pressed a key and held it down. Floppy disks were a big thing. I actually still have some floppy disks :)
  • Printer

    I remember the holes in the sides of the paper! My parents bought this printer and I could not get enough of printing stuff.
  • Typewriter

    We had our grandparents typewriter at our house and I was so excited to learn how to type. I remember learning the backspace and how cool it was that it would erase the letter. My high school keyboarding class was taught on a typewriter!
  • Nintendo

  • Pager

    My parents got pagers when I was in high school and I thought they were amazing. I would often borrow it. It was so cool to see text on the screen!