My Tech Timeline

  • VHS

    All of my movies as a kid were VHS. The first movie that was ever "mine" was "Fox and the Hound". I'll never forget the devistation when the VCR ate my Cinderella VHS.
  • Polaroid Camera

    Polaroid Camera
    My grandpa owned an insurance company and they had to take pictures of cars and houses. They used a Polaroid Camera. He would let me play with it and take pictures around the office. I thought it was the coolest thing that they would print. I still have some of the pictures framed today.
  • Vinyl Records

    Vinyl Records
    My grandparents had a record player and lots of Vinyls. I loved to listen too "Peter and the Wolf". I wasn't allowed to touch the needle but I could change the speed if I wanted. I liked to play it fast because it sounded funny.
  • Cassette tape

    Cassette tape
    I had a cassette tape of Disney songs that my mom and I would listen to every day! I'm sure she got annoyed but I loved it. I also had all the primary songs on cassette tape.
  • Portable Cd player

    Portable Cd player
    It's a step up from a cassette player. I even had a carrier that was more like a purse so I could listen in the car and walk around the house with it.
  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    I remember all my teachers using this. Their fingers were always colorful from wiping the screen clean. It was a privilege to go up and write on the overhead.
  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    I used floppy disks in elementary school. I specifically remember using them in third grade to save the poetry we wrote. I remember my teacher teaching us how to lock the floppy disks when we weren't using it so nothing got erased.
  • Palm Pilot

    Palm Pilot
    I honestly don't remember what I used it for but my friends and I thought we were so cool. I had a Scooby Doo one (just like the picture) and was embarrassed that mine wasn't girly enough so I covered it in scratch and sniff flowers.
  • Firefly celllphone

    Firefly celllphone
    This was a cellphone for kids. It had 5 buttons.
    "Answer"-green phone
    "End/Ignore"-red phone
    "Mom" -Female stick figure
    "Dad" -Male stick figure
    "Phone book"- center, It had 5 more programabel numbers. Mine were both grandmas, one grandpa, my house, and my best friend.
    I had this in Jr. High when all my friends had flip phones and I was so embarrassed of it.
  • Sidekick Phone

    Sidekick Phone
    Finally, I was "cool" and got a cell phone. It slid up to show the full keyboard and had the best game on it. "Bob's Journey to the Center of the Earth."
  • Car GPS

    Car GPS
    I remember needing to pick my mom up at the airport. I didn't know how to get there and I didn't have data on my phone, so my dad bought me a car GPS. It stuck to the windshield and didn't make noise so I had to constantly look at the screen...Probably not very safe but I got there.