The Day I Popped Out
Yep... I was born on at 2am Tuesday Morning on November 9 way back in 88. I was not able to comprehend technology at this time. -
TV Time
By this time I can remember watching Disney movies with my older brother on TV and with a VCR. My brother's son has no clue what a VCR is now, and I bet he can't picture what a TV looks like that isn't flat. -
I totally had one of those creepy Speak-n-Spells. I am surprised that the weird voice didn't haunt me for life. -
Portable TV
I remember watching this gigantic portable tv with my dad while we worked in the garage. I was only a toddler but I remember the thing almost being as big as me. -
My Robot Phone
My brother got me this awesome robot phone. I used it as a toy until I figured out how to plug it into the wall! -
The Original Nintendo
This was when my family got its first video game system... the original nintendo! -
First Portable Cassette Player
Do people even own cassettes anymore? Anyways, it was a Sony Walkman and I remember it breaking within a week. -
This was the next video game system. Sega Genesis. That thing lasted until I was in high school. I still would play some of those games today. -
Portable CD Player and CDs
I received my first cd player when I turned 9. It was so cool! I remember the first 3 cds that my mom got me... Will Smith, Weird Al, and the Wallflowers. Good stuff. -
My first electric guitar
I got my first real six-string
Bought it at the five-and-dime
Played 'til my fingers bled
It was summer of ......98 -
This is when video games started to get a bit more advanced. I got a playstation when I was in middle school. I totally rocked at Tony Hawk. -
Enter the DVD....
We got our first DVD player sometime in the winter of 2001. It was pretty cool. I sure do miss VHS tapes. -
Playstation 2
Yep another video game system. -
Cell Phone
Finally bought my own cell phone. I was a sophomore in high school. Now my 7 year old nephew has an I-Phone.... yeah, today I still have a Nokia. -
Toshiba Labtop
My first and only Labtop to this day. It is an awesome Toshiba that until recently, has not given me any trouble at all. -
Xbox 360
My current video game system. -
After much begging, Bianca finally let me get a brand new flatscreen TV for our apartment. -
BluRay Player
We bought a BluRay Player over spring break this year. I think that the quality is a little better from DVDs, but not too much.