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My millenial journey through technology
Gameboy Pocket - Photo credit: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oRujXsUFnSU/TRl3mFP3l4I/AAAAAAAAABk/2FT_FvDUxBc/s1600/07+Game+Boy+Pocket+Black+Front.JPG
Nintendo Gameboy Pocket Article My first real piece of technology was a Gameboy Pocket when I was 7 years old. I would spend hours playing Mario, Donkey Kong, and various other games on this handheld device. I mostly used the Gameboy during car trips, but it also had its place during my regular play time. This was my first personal experience with technology, and I loved it. Eventually upgrading to the Gsmeboy Color. -
Giga Pet - Photo Credit: http://www.gotchiworld.de/wp-content/uploads/tumblr_m6xuprWyr51r3zd9no1_12801.jpg
My next personal piece of technology was a Giga Pet for Christmas when I was 8. The compact style of this handheld gaming device made me excited for the technology of the future. I would carry this handhelp pet around with me everywhere, constantly caring for it. This was the first piece of technology that I was truly obsessed with.It also cause my family a bit of excitement due to the fact that a dying Giga Pet battery was often confused with the smoke alarm in the house. -
NIntendo 64 - Photo Credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/Nintendo_64.jpg
Onto my last major gaming technology as a child, we arrive at the Nintendo 64. My aprents bought this for my brother CHristmas of 2008, but it quickly becamse a console that we would enjoy together. We would spend hours together playing Wrestlemania, Golden Eye, Pokemon Snap, and many other games. THis was my first experience of technology as a social experience. My brother and I were never that close, seeing as how we were 8 years apart in age, but this brought us togther. -
Gateway PC - Photo Credit: http://www.legroom.net/files/images/pacbell_100808.jpg
In June of 2000, my brother graduated high school and used his graduation money to purchase his own desktop computer. This also prompted my parents to buy one for regular household use. This is where I became acquanted with Pinball, MS Paint, the Encyclopedia Brittanica disk set, and ICQ. I would spend hours on the computer, and I very specifically remember typing my first report for school on this computer. It was on the Great Sphinx and I used papyrus font - which was totally awesome! -
Motorola Cell Phone - Photo Credit: http://mobilgyujtemeny.hu/picture.php?h=&img=mobile/motorola/v2288/2.jpg
For my 13th birthday my parents bought me my first cell phone! It came equipped with a pink sparkly case and all the snake you could ever want to play. This was before texting, so it was basically a fashion statement that I could use to call home about sports practice. I loved this phone and it was totally indestructible with its sturdy design and black and white screen display. -
Sony Diskman - Photo Credit: http://www.ibubapp.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Sony-Discman-D-50.jpg
The Sony Discman was my first experience withportable music, and I took it with me everywhere. School trips, morning and afternoon bus rides, car trips, etc. I remember buying my first CD (The Titanic Soundtrack) and being so proud of using my own money to make this purchase, I used this CD player for long after the first MP3 players. I liked its sturdy design, and downloading music seemed like a hassle to me as a teenager. -
First Laptop - HP - Photo Credit: http://e08595.medialib.glogster.com/media/d2/d2f2f8076380b829789fba8a79ac2642ac5d7d01cbe0dbfb4e5e6fbfbef8a98b/laptop-gif.gif
Before I left for my first year at Marshall, my parents bought me my first laptop - an HP from Best Buy. This was really the first time I had unrestricted access to a computer, as my parents had very strict rules concerning computer use at home. I taught myself many things on that laptop, including how to research, work in Adobe Photoshop, use word processing programs, perform successful web searches and much more. Little did I know you had to protect the fan on a laptop or it would overheat. -
Netflix - Photo Credit: http://cordcuttersnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/netflix-logo.png
It was during my last year of college that I subscribed to the video streaming service Netflix. To me, this is an ultimate game changer in my world of technology. I cancelled my cable at home and have not had it since. This "entertainment at your fingertips" model is now something that myself as a millenial know and expect. To me this is changing the way our world works, as it is now being followed up by music streaming services as well. I think streaming and cloud services are the future.