My Story with Technology

  • Elementary School Days

    Elementary School Days
    I recall having both scheduled Library Days and Technology Days when I was in elementary school. On Technology Days, we often worked on a typing program in which we were training to memorize the keyboard letters. I loved participating in this class and it made me love to begin working on a desktop at school! Image Source:
  • My First Phone

    My First Phone
    I have a little brother and was often in charge of watching him when we were growing up (I am about five years older than him). When I was going into 5th grade, my mom agreed to provide me with a Nokia phone that I would share with her. I took it to school and used it to talk to her when we came home. I was allowed to use it in the evenings until 7:00 and I loved to play Tetris on the phone. Image Source:
  • A NASA Recruit

    A NASA Recruit
    During my 7th grade year, we spent one whole week going through an immersive NASA experience via a web-based program. I really enjoyed this experience and learned a lot during that time period. This was my first encounter with a class set of mini laptops in the classroom. Image Source:
  • New Territory

    New Territory
    As I entered high school in the year 2009, technology at school was really evolving. During the beginning of the school year, I learned that the overheads were a thing of the past in my education. I began to see teachers use Elmos and thought that they were way easier to see when taking notes! Image Source:
  • I-Nation

    For the 16th birthday I received my first-ever iPhone. The device was an iPhone 4 and I was completed pumped to finally have one! I had previously used an iPod, but would now have phone capabilities as well. I began to really get into taking pictures and using social media with my newfound advancement. Image Source:
  • An Apple a Day...

    An Apple a Day...
    As technology advanced during my high school years, so did my desire for additional Apple products. During my junior, I purchased my own MacBook to use in preparation for the college courses that I would start taking the following school year. I had to watch YouTube videos in order to teach myself how to operate this new device. This was my first encounter with any editing via PhotoShop on a laptop! Image Source:
  • Ms. Jarrell

    Ms. Jarrell
    Back in 2018 I was hired on for my first teaching job with Kanawha County Schools. I quickly discovered that the technology was far different from that of CCS (where the majority of my clinicals had occurred). I was frantically looking around for anything familiar in my new classroom, but to no avail. I was then informed that I had to AirPlay to my Apple TV, along with lots of other unfamiliar jargon. Image Source: