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My Story

  • Born

    I was born to my parents, Eric and Debora Olson, in Phoenix, AZ
  • Brother was born

    Brother was born
    I was no longer an only child, other than that I do not remember much.
  • Started School

    Started School
    I remember my first day of class and being so nervous. My kindergarten teacher made me feel very comfortable and I was excited about being their. My kindergarten teacher had a strong influence in my wanting to become a kindergarten teacher myself.
  • Changed Elementary Schools

    Changed Elementary Schools
    I moved from Buckeye Elementary School to Liberty elementary School. I was getting into trouble with some kids I rode the bus with so my parents switched me to a different elementary school. At my new school I had a fresh start and met a lot of new friends that were better influences on me.
  • Julie passed away

    Julie passed away
    I have known my best friend since I was 6 months old so we basically grew up and did everythign together. When I was in the 5th grade my best friend's mom passed away. After that my best friend went downhill and I went with her. It was really hard on her and I wanted to be there to help, but I just made things worse.
  • Started High School

    Started High School
    Began my high school career at Buckeye Union High School. I met a lof of new people and tried a lot of new things. High School changed me because I was a crazy teenager just triyng to find my way in life.
  • Went into rehab

    Went into rehab
    I had gotten into a bad lifestlye and was not making good choices at all. My parents checked me into rehab and got me the help I needed. This was a big point in my life. Before I went in I was in such a bad spot, but it helps me have empathy towards other people who may be struggling themselves. Also after I got out I had a new found passion for life and a better understanding of how to deal with it. It was a very big learning experience for me and I am glad I was able to get so much out of it.
  • Got out of rehab

    Got out of rehab
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    Graduated from Buckeye Union High School in the top 7% of my class.
  • My son was born

    My son was born
    My entire life changed when I had my son, Evan. I changed a lot of my goals and my plans around so that I could better provide for him. I learned what it meant to love someone unconditionally and my life's meaning completely changed.
  • Started School at ASU

    Started School at ASU
    Starting school at ASU was a big change for me because the university is a big step up from community college. Also it is a lot more work then I am used to, but I hope the experience will be fun and I will learn a lot from it.