Christian Rivas

  • My (Actual) Birthday

    My (Actual) Birthday
    I was born in Dalton, GA on July 27, 2003, in Hamilton Hospital at around 11:00pm.
  • My first time getting stitches :(

    My first time getting stitches :(
    I was walking with my dad in some brush that we had in the back of our house. We were on our way to the shed, I don't remember what we were going to do in the shed though. I took a big step to avoid some prickly brush that was in my way. When I did step a metal rod that was sticking out of the ground went under my pants and cut my skin bad. I cried to my dad and he carried me inside. We then we to the ER to get stitches in.
  • Scar on forehead

    I was in the driveway of my house and I had a toy car that was big so I rode it down the driveway. I had done it many times before but the car the wasn't meant for riding had different plans for me. A piece of chalk hit the wheel and I almost flipped forward. Luckily my forehead broke my fall. I had this huge purple bump on my forehead and I was rushed to the ER just to make sure that I was OK.
  • My Childhood Bestfreinds

    My Childhood Bestfreinds
    I had 2 Siberian Huskys. A boy and a girl. One named Mambo (Blue), and Chiqi (Pink). I loved them both even though they would never listen do try to learn anything. They had 3 litters, EACH WITH 7 PUPS! We sold them and eventually gave Mambo and Chiqi to a man who owned many acres. They now run free and have much room to play. I still miss them.
  • Bye Chastworth

    I used to live in Chatsworth GA but I moved to Dalton to get closer to school and to get a bigger house since me and my brother need bigger beds. You can't even fit the bed I have now into the room I slept as a baby!
  • My first trip to El Salvador

    My first trip to El Salvador
    My first trip to El Salvador was magical. I met people who I didn't even know existed. I love them to this day. Now I see my grandma (mom's side) almost everyday. I never got to meet my grandpa on my mom's side of the family. He passed when my mom was just a few years older than me. My other grandpa worked all of his live with his cow. Everyone in the "pueblo" knew him. He sadly passed due to cancer. All i have left are my grandmas. And a Great Grandfather!! He's 104 years old.
  • Trip to the Royal Decamoron

    Trip to the Royal Decamoron
    When I arrived in El Salvador me and my family went to my dad's parents house where we stayed for the trip. We picked up the family and we took of to the Royal Decamoron. An awesome resort by the beach. I loved it so much. I would do so much to go back.
  • Period: to

    Camp Comer

    This was my first time at a summer camp and I loved it. I would go back any day. I was with my troop, 111, and we had the best time. I had to go to Eagle Bound though because it was my first time at summer camp. I went kayaking for the first time and really got to know my troop, since I was the youngest, along with my cousin that was a month older. I made new friends and learned how to play cards. (I'm a bit rusty but just need a refresher) I am so excited to go there again this summer.

    I got my braces at the Greater Chattanooga Orthodontics Monday of March, 2017. Everyone there was so nice and helpful but when I got home the pain settled in. I'm feeling better now. :)
  • My first car wreck

    My first car wreck
    My family and I were in Atlanta on our way to drop my grandma of at the airport. She was flying to El Salvador. It was wet and cold. The accident happened around 6:30am. Our truck spun and we went into the wall around the highway. Our friend that lived near by came and picked us up and took us to the airport. My grandma made her flight and we made it home blessed that we were OK.