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Cultural Roots Assignment: My Story

  • Before the Beginning

    Before the Beginning
    Even before I was conceived or thought of, my story begin with this group of brothers and sisters. My Grandmother is included in this picture, it is important because her cultural experiences and beliefs were passed on to my mother and then to me. Those cultural experiences and beliefs have shaped me into the person I am today.
  • Cultures Collide

    Cultures Collide
    My parents coming from a traditional Mexican culture decided to become U.S. Residents and make a move from Mexico to Texas. This is an important event because it is the exact time when my family integrated themselves in the American culture, while trying to maintain their Mexican roots. This was essential in my upbringing and sometimes difficult as I had to learn to balance both cultures at the same time. This is a picture of their passport, the one they used to apply for their U.S. residency.
  • My Birthday!!

    My Birthday!!
    I was born September 7, 1979! This is significant because its the day I was born and became part of the human race! This day was the beginning of my parents molding and creating me in their image including their cultures, religion and beliefs.
  • Baptism!!

    One of the most significant aspects of the Hispanic culture is religion. It becomes a part of every decision that is made, our holidays, and lifestyle. This is a picture of the day me and my younger sister were baptized into the Catholic Church. Being born catholic influenced every part of my life and created the beliefs that I lived by. It influenced how I made decisions in life.
  • My first day of Kindergarten!

    My first day of Kindergarten!
    The first day of Kindergarten was significant because it was the first time I ever socialized with students of a different culture. I was immersed into the Caucasian culture in school and learned traditions and beliefs that were different than mine. I learned that being different and coming from a different culture is okay. The kids in my class loved to trade me their sandwiches for my burritos. I formed some of the greatest friendships. This is my kindergarten yearbook picture.
  • First relationship!

    First relationship!
    My first relationship was with this boy, he later became my husband. This is a significant time in my life because he was not Catholic, he was Baptist. For me this was hard to conceive, I had always believed that all Mexicans were Catholics. I had never known one that wasn't. And even though he was Mexican too, his culture was more Americanized, opposed to my more traditional beliefs. I began to explore the Baptist beliefs, this is a picture of Prom where he revealed he loved me.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    In 1998 I graduated from Eldorado High School, this is my Senior Picture. This was a significant period in time because after graduating I left my family to attend college at Texas A&M. There I began to socialize and learn about people of all different cultures, besides white. My roommates were Chinese, African American and Middle Eastern. I learned to love people of all different cultures, backgrounds and religions, while still remaining connected to mine.
  • Motherhood!

    Becoming a parent for the first time was one of the most bittersweet and significant events in my life. As new parents you begin to question and analyze your beliefs, and way of life. You begin to think about all the things you want to teach and instill in your child. During this time I realized that my child had two different cultures and religions that she belonged to. There was going to have to be compromise between her father and I, this is a picture of my baby.
  • Wedding Day!

    Wedding Day!
    I married my husband on January 4, 2004, this is our wedding picture. It was the day me and my husband were joined as one. This was a significant event in my cultural experience because both of our cultures were celebrated that day. We were married in a Catholic Church, however we also integrated his baptist religion into our ceremony. I realized how diverse our marriage was and as our children grew, we were able to work together so that both cultures and religions were celebrated.
  • Becoming a Teacher

    Becoming a Teacher
    When I became a teacher all of the social and cultural experiences that I had learned and experienced throughout my life came to full circle. This was significant because this allowed me to provide my students with an inclusive and safe classroom that celebrated every culture, religion, and belief represented by the diverse student population. Providing an atmosphere where students feel like they belong is essential to their success. This is a picture of my first year teaching.