My Smart Goal (Earning A's in my classes for the semester)

By a_lex
  • Paying attention in class

    Paying attention in class
    This is the first step in accomplishing my goal to earn good grades for the semester. I will make sure to pay attention in class to ensure I don't miss out on any important information such as due dates, and test dates.
  • Get homework done on time

    Get homework done on time
    Of course, the most important thing in school is to keep up with your classwork. If I'm able to keep up with the class, I will earn a good percentage of my grade. I will make sure to keep my homework done and up to date throughout the semester.
  • Ask plenty of questions

    Ask plenty of questions
    Along the way, it is important to always ask questions whenever you have any uncertainty. This is also essential in making sure I'm not falling behind in class when new information is presented in the future.
  • Studying

    Studying is the most important part of my plan. It is my ultimate preparation for the upcoming exams, which make up a huge percentage of my grade. This is where a lot of work and time must be spent. I plan on spending a reasonable 1-2 hours total studying for my classes a day, all the the way up until the exam.
  • Work hard on testing

    Work hard on testing
    When testing finally arrives, I will give it my very best. I will do my best to score well on each of my exams and earn A's in all of my classes.
  • Get final results

    Get final results
    This is around the time exams should be completed and final semester grades will be inputed. This goal certainly will be completed in less than a year, and I have made it measurable and attainable by maping out my plan step by step to keep everything organized and on track.