Currently I'm a sophomore in high school. I have $9,304.06 in my savings account. I plan on getting my savings account up to $10,000 by saving $100 a month for seven months instead of using the money for other things. -
Period: to
Timespan of Saving Money
One Month In
$100 is added to my savings account to get up to $9,404.06. -
Two Months In
After another $100 is added; the new total is $9,504.06. -
Three Months In
Another $100 is added for a new total of $9,604.06. -
Four Months In
My goal is over halfway done ,so the total is now $9,704.06. -
Five Months In
My account is updated with another $100 to equal $9,804.06. -
Six Months In
The goal is nearly complete. I now have $9,904.06. -
Final Month
My goal will be achieved. I have $10,004.06 in my savings account.