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My Significant Literary Experiences

By Hakeeps
  • Traveling to the Library with my Kindergarten class

    Traveling to the Library with my Kindergarten class
    A field trip to the local library in which I learned how to rent a book from the library and received a library card.
  • 5th grade teacher

    5th grade teacher
    I was placed in the lowest English class at my elementary school in 5th grade (That used to be how they generated class roosters there) and I only knew that because my teacher called my parents to ask why I was placed in that class because my reading scores did not match. My parents told me she said that I was good at reading and writing. I still, to this day, have never felt as confident as I did that day.
  • Reading the Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

    Reading the Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
    In the fourth grade, I picked up this book in the school library and told my (then) friends I would read it. I did. It introduced me to the joy of reading.
  • First Time writing fiction

    First Time writing fiction
    Two of my fifth grade friends and I would write our own separate stories and talk about them to each other,
  • Fanfiction

    A couple of my 6th grade friends and I became friends over our love of Percy Jackson and the Olympians bookseries. After that, we began a fanfiction group that showed me the world of online fandom. We were called The Aurum Writers on and Wattpad.
  • Stopping Reading or Writing

    Stopping Reading or Writing
    In 7th and 8th grade, I barely read or wrote a single thing if it did not involve schoolwork. The fan-fiction group flopped because half of us were moved to a different school and I did not have the motivation anymore.
  • 7th Grade English Teacher

    7th Grade English Teacher
    My 7th grade English teacher taught me how to write an essay. I found the process to be like a puzzle and from it, learned to love writing essays. That teacher taught me to love writing.
  • 9th grade English Class

    9th grade English Class
    This is the beginning of a class that made me get back into reading. For example, I read my first Emily Dickinson poem and now have read many more. I started writing more. It pushed me back into my groove.
  • English 101

    English 101
    This is when I started English 121 at HCC. It was my first college course and my first time writing in a while.
  • Poetry Writing

    Poetry Writing
    I bought myself a marble colored notebook. Now, that notebook is filled with little scribbles and poems that I cannot be more proud of.