Graduated high school
I was very proud of myself for finishing high school. -
First time mommy
I became a mother to my first born daughter. -
1st semester at CSI
I was extremely nervous going back to school. -
Fall 2011
My second semester in college. -
Spring 2012
My thrid semester in college. -
Fall 2012
My fourth semester in college. -
Spring 2013
I decided not to attend college for the semester of Spirng 2013, because I wanted to work two jobs instead. -
Fall 2013: a mommy to my second daughter
My daughter was born in the summer, right before the semester of Fall 2013, so I decided to take of the semester to be with her. -
Spring 2014
I'm going to school after taking a year off. This was my fifth semester at CSI. -
Fall 2014
I did not attend college because I was too late to sign up, which it was a bummer. -
Spring 2015
This is my sixth semester at CSI. -
Summer 2015
I decided to take summer school, because I just found out that I was so close to graduating. This is my seventh semester. -
Fall 2015
This is my eighth semester at CSI. Happy to say I just need one more semester to go. But sad at the same time because I started to make friends.