My Reading & Writing History

  • Learning My ABC's

    Learning My ABC's
    When I was 3 years old, my mom attempted to teach me by ABC's. It was a struggle for her because instead of repeating the letters she was saying, I would say swear words that began with the same letter that I heard her say.
  • Learning to Write!!

    Learning to Write!!
    After finally saying my ABC's the correct way, my mom taught me to write my name! I would write my name vertically since when I stood up i was vertical.I thought my name had to match how tall I was.
  • Rainbow Fish

    Rainbow Fish
    The book Rainbow Fish was the first book I ever learned to read. It was by far my favorite book until I was maybe 8. My grandparents sat and read it with me everyday after school.
  • Embarrassing Moment

    Embarrassing Moment
    In first grade, i was maybe 7 years old, my teacher called me to the front of the class to read my favorite book. I asked if I could use the bathroom before hand but she told me no to hold it in until after. Once I walked to the front of the class, i got so nervous and peed on myself. I do not have a picture, but here is me in first grade right after the incident once i got home.
  • Big Girl Moves

    Big Girl Moves
    When I turned 10, I picked up my grandpa's book Dead Shot. That was the first book I read that was more advanced. It was a mysterious crime book and got me interested in those types of books and shows. I didn't understand everything I was reading, but enough to enjoy it.
  • Challenge Program

    Challenge Program
    My 6th grade year, I was 12 years old, I got offered to be in the challenge program at Edison Middle School for my reading and mathematics skills. I was constantly reading my grandpa's Stephen King books and always searching word problems to solve on a math website.
  • The Downfall

    The Downfall
    At 13 years old, I thought I was the shit. I mean I just hit my teenage years, I was able to have a phone with internet and texting, I even got a later bed time. My reading motivation went way down, I stopped reading every day and started being on social media or glued to the T.V. watching Criminal Minds.
  • Field of Study

    Field of Study
    At age 15, I was into crime investigation shows more than ever. I would watch hours of it after school and on the weekends. I made the decision that I wanted to do something in the criminology field, so I took notes on the shows I would watch and try to understand the terminology. I don't have any of the notes or a picture, but here is a picture of me being glued to the T.V. at age 6.
  • Creative Writing

    Creative Writing
    Junior year in high school, 16 years old, I took a creative writing class that changed my style of writing and opened my mind up. It let me combine what I wanted to do in the future with something I enjoyed, writing. I came up with the idea I would write my assignments in a mysterious crime fiction way. I don't have access to those assignments anymore, but here is kind of how I would plot them.
  • Right Here, Right Now

    Right Here, Right Now
    Today at age 18, I want to go into the Forensics field to become a Forensic Science Investigator. I also want to be an author of some sort and write a book about my cases and experiences as Forensic Scientist. The next cap and gown I'll be in is when I graduate college as the first generation college student in my family!