Education and Disabilites

  • United Cerebral Palsy Founded

    Founded by two sets of parents and the first group to bring media attention to the needs of this group of children.
  • ARC Founded

    First organization to call attention to the connection between lead-based paint and intellectual disabilities in children. Also argued for the potential of children and their access to education and jobs.
  • Brown v Board of Education

    Unlawful to discriminate any group of people. Laying the ground work for inclusivity and integration in education that would be applied later to people with disabilities.
  • National Association for Down Syndrom

    Founded by parents who ignored their physician's advice to institutionalize their daughter. Organized educational and recreational programs for those with Downs Syndrome as well as provides support for families.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Mandates high academic standards that all students must meet as well as establishes alternative assessments for students with significant disabilities but they must still be in line with the standards.
  • Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    Must not refuse to educate students with intellectual disabilities and that a free public education must be provided to all students.
  • Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act

    This section prevents discrimination against all individuals with disabilities in programs that receive federal funds. Ensures equal opportunity for participation in the full range of school activities.
  • Education for all Handicapped Children (Later IDEA)

    Describes categories of disabilities and how to identify students who are eligible for special education and aid as well as laying out parental rights.
  • Public Law 94-142

    Introduces the core elements of Individualized Education Program at the federal level.
  • Board of Education of Hendrick School District v Rowley

    Special education services must provide an appropriate education, the law does not require optimum services.
  • Larry P v Wilson Riles

    IQ tests can not be used to determine whether African American students have intellectual disabilities or any other disability due to their cultural and racial bias.
  • Daniel R.R. v State Board of Education

    Appropriate placement depends on whether a student can be satisfactorily educated in the general education setting with supports and if the student is included to the maximum extent in which the general education is not successful.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Protects all individuals with disabilities from discrimination, and it requires most employers, whether in the public or private sector to make reasonable accommodations for them. This law also ensures accessibility of public spaces and utilities for people with disabilities.
  • Evidence Based Practice Gains Steam

    Interventions, strategies, techniques, policies and programs should be grounded in demonstrated research and shown to be effective.
  • Doe v. Withers

    Mr. Withers was found to be personally liable after not making the appropriate accommodations for a student with a learning disability. Establishing teacher's responsibility for accommodations.
  • Oberti v. Board of Education of Clementon School District

    School districts must make available in the general education setting a full range of supports and services in order to accommodate students with disabilities. Learning different does not exclude a student from general education classrooms.
  • Access to General Curriculum Added

    Access to the general curriculum as well as being involved and progress in it gets added as a specific requirement to special education law.
  • Response to Intervention

    A way to measure for an intellectual disability that is separate from tests. Essentially if aid is provided it and it helps then there is no need for special education. If the aid does not help no matter the length than student may have a learning disability.
  • Schaffer v Weast

    The burden of proof in any disagreement about a student's individualized education program lies with the party bringing the suit.
  • Endrew F v Douglas County School District

    School districts must educate students so that they have ambitious goals and make meaningful educational progress. The bare minimum is not enough.